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Eileen Stein, MSSW, LICSW, CEGE, Certified in The Equine Assisted EMDR Protocol

I have been a Clinical Social Worker for over 30 years. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison with a Master of Science in Social Work in the spring of 1986. My work with individuals and families throughout my career has been very meaningful to me personally and professionally as I have counseled and supported people through very stressful and overwhelming life experiences. I established my practice to provide sound therapy to those who are seeking to grow, heal, transform--to learn new skills and shift from established ways of coping that are no longer helpful. 


How Horses Became A Part of My Practice:


My love of riding and spending time in the presence of horses, and my sincere love of my work as a psychotherapist, inspired me to find a way to merge these two passions. In July of 2011, I trained at  Sky Horse Ranch in Northern California and received my certification  in Equine Guided Education. I evolved Equine Wisdom for my clients and others who wish to experience this powerful therapy.


In the Spring of 2014 I completed my certification in EquiLateral, The Equine Assisted EMDR Protocol by  Sarah Jenkins, MC, LPC. I now offer this powerful healing tool within the equine therapy session.

Appreciations to my daughter, Ruth, whose passion for horses led me into this world and to these amazing creatures, riding, and realizing my vision. Gratitude to Dawn Bluhm, Sarah Aron, Ariana Strozzi, Sarah Jenkins, Sue Moore, Melissa Klein, Lorri Roy, Ethan Zimmerman, The Top Drawer Cowgirls, David Bluhm,  Ryann Bluhm, Brittany Mole, Lauren and Bernadette Messmore, Lexi, Frank, Sugar, Jal, Sailing, Simon, Libby, Lacey and all the horses who have touched my life.  Thanks to my clients who have supported my enthusiasm as I evolve Equine Wisdom.

© Equine Wisdom in association with Eileen Stein, MSSW LICSW All rights reserved.

Photos ©,, Cathy McNew Metschar, RH Liebendorfer, Lis Krebs, S Lough, ER Stein

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